A transthoracic anterior or lateral approach for giant thoracic disc herniations is a complex operation which requires optimal exposure and maximal visualisation. Traditional metal rigid retractors may inflict significant skin trauma especially with prolonged operative use and limit the working angles of endoscopic instrumentation at depth. We pioneer the use of the Alexis retractor in transthoracic thoracoscopically assisted discectomy for the first time. The authors describe and demonstrate the technical use of the Alexis retractor during operative cases. Patient positioning, clinical rationale and operative nuances are elucidated for readers to gain an appreciation of the transthoracic approach to thoracic disc herniations. The advantages of the Alexis retractor include minimally invasive circumferential flexible retraction, facilitation of bimanual instrument use, diminished risk of surgical site infections and reduced rib retraction leading to less postoperative pain. Use of the flexible and intuitive Alexis retractor maximises operative exposure and is an effective adjunct when performing complex transthoracic approaches for thoracic disc herniations.
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