Research on automation and the future of work is a major focus for both academics and practitioners due to technological changes disrupting the labor market and educational pathways. Although recent articles have published projections about the types of tasks and jobs most likely to be automated in the coming years, little attention has been devoted to how different types of vocational interests are susceptible to automation, as well as resulting changes to the match between people's interests and their jobs. In the present article, we provide an integrative review of vocational interests and automation projections within and across jobs. By standardizing and mapping projections to Holland's RIASEC interest model, we found that Investigative (scientific) and Conventional (detail-oriented) interests, including STEM interests, are most susceptible to automation, whereas Social (people-oriented) and Realistic (hands-on) interests are least susceptible. For Artistic and Enterprising interests, some creative work, decision-making, and leadership skills may be affected by automation across a range of jobs. We build on these projections to propose a future research agenda integrating interests, technology, and careers. Specifically, we identify five areas for future research, including using intentional work design to enhance interests, the role of interests in career decisions related to project-based work, changes in people's interests following automation, increased use of basic interests, and the systematic impacts of automation on different groups of people. Overall, this review highlights how vocational interests will remain an important topic with high relevance for career guidance, education, and organizations as the future of work evolves.
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