The goal of our study was to capture the short-term effects of individual plant species on an established microbial community in a soil with a well-defined agricultural history. Using biochemical and molecular techniques we quantified the effects of plant species on changes in the soil microbial community over an 8-week time-course. We conducted a greenhouse experiment using field soil from a site that was managed as a Zea mays monoculture for over 50 years. The conditioned soil provided a baseline from which changes in microbial community composition through the effects of newly introduced plants could be determined. Within a short time frame (8 weeks), introduced plants influenced the soil microbial community in ways unique to each plant. Some species (Fagopyrm esculentum and xTriticosecale spp.) resulted in an increase of total microbial community richness, diversity and the stimulation of new microbial species not associated with the legacy vegetation. Other plants (Vicia villosa and Lolium multiflorum) tended to reduce community diversity. We suggest root surface area is good general predictor of rhizosphere microbial community diversity, but in some cases other plant traits may have dominant influence on plant-induced changes in microbial community composition.