Organic materials are the key to the next generation of electric memory elements because of their low cost, high flexibility and high scalability. Solution-processed n-channel and p-channel organic field effect transistors (FETs) by spinning coating technique was demonstrated. We use based-poly (vinylcarbazole) (PVK) p-type transistor and based-6-phenyl-C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) n-type transistor as the channel of bottom gate structure FET, respectively, to fabricate the complementary inverter. The maximum voltage gain of the electrically isolated FET complementary inverter is up to 22, the power consumption is less than 3 μW, and the transition voltage is −4.2 V. In addition, our devices are able to implement “AND”, “NAND”, “OR”, and “NOT” gate logic well. But more than that, p-type transistor based on PVK and n-type transistor based on PCBM were combined with the memristor, reward-modulated spike timing dependent plasticity was implemented by introduced reward/punishment signals to guide synaptic weight updates. It shows great potential in the electronic application system with low cost and high energy efficiency.
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