Background: We have been knowing from our past that appendix is a vestigial organ, useless to man, with no known important function, but sometimes it can cause problems, when it may become the seat of infection. The diagnosis of appendicitis is not very easy, requiring the skills of the most experienced clinician. The objective of this study was to find out and compare accuracy of USG findings with that of per-operative findings of location & status of appendix. Methods: The present prospective study was carried out in surgery department at Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Medical College, Kurud Rd, Kachandur, durg, Chhattisgarh. A total of 75 cases were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria and subjected to ultrasound examination by a qualified radiologist to exclude any other associated pathology and also to confirm the diagnosis. Results: Out of 30 cases, a total of 14 cases presented with clinical features suggestive of retrocaecal appendicitis, out of which 11 had typical presentation & 3 had atypical presentation with overall sensitivity of 73.25%, followed by pelvic position which had a sensitivity of 16.29% in which 3 patients had typical presentation & 2 had atypical presentation. Conclusions: A total of five modalities that were used for the diagnosis of position of appendix & appendicitis, i.e. clinical features, lab Ix, ultrasound, intraoperative findings & histopathology, only 47% of cases all the modalities were positive.
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