ABSTRACT The morpho-anatomical and morphometrical characteristics of the reproductive system, together with the spermatophore and dart apparatus, of Macrochlamys indica are described and the results compared with available data of other Macrochlamys species. Histology of some reproductive structures such as the ovotestis, hermaphrodite duct, albumen gland, penis and dart shaft of M. indica are also studied. A muscular, brownish capsule is developed between the free oviduct and the vagina, here named as vaginoviducal capsule and its location is species-specific. The distal end of the vaginoviducal capsule bifurcates into a free oviduct and the duct of the gametolytic organ. The gametolytic sac of the gametolytic organ is a whitish, tubular structure that becomes pinkish and club-shaped in inseminated snails. Two to seven spermatophores are found in the pinkish gametolytic sac. The spermatophore is a whip-like, translucent structure. The epiphallus possesses a coiled epiphallic caecum to which a penial retractor muscle is attached. The penis is a short, muscular structure with a distinct penial caecum. The dart apparatus is well-developed, having four distinct parts. The proximal part of the dart apparatus possesses a non-disposable muscular dart. The dart shaft includes a central core which is encircled by many layers of circular muscle cells.