Background/Objectives: Iron deficiency anemia is common in the pediatric population. Red blood cell transfusions, a common acute treatment, pose well-recognized risks including lung injury, circulatory overload, and immune dysfunction. Intravenous iron, specifically sodium ferric gluconate complex (SFGC), is a potential alternative, however investigation on its use in hospitalized children is lacking. This study aims to describe the physiologic response via change in hematologic values to cumulative dose of SFGC, investigate the effect of cumulative dosing on the amount of RBC transfusions received, and comment on its safety. Methods: This is a retrospective investigation of pediatric patients with iron deficiency who received SFGC during their admission to the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital between 2016 and 2018 (N = 85). Results: A total of 258 doses of intravenous SFGC were provided to 85 patients. The average pre-treatment serum hemoglobin was 8.73 ± 1.33, and 7 days post-treatment this increased to 10.41 ± 1.43. Mean corpuscular volume, ferritin, serum ion, total iron binding capacity, reticulocyte percentage, and reticulocyte hemoglobin all increased 7 days post-treatment, as would be suspected, but without any statistically significant difference between hematologic outcomes and cumulative dose of SFGC. Our study did not reveal any correlation between the cumulative dose of SFGC administered and the amount of RBC transfusions received. Only one adverse event was recorded. Conclusion: Our results complement the trend of increased use and emerging evidence of favorable safety profiles of IV iron in the pediatric population. This descriptive investigation revealed that administering higher cumulative doses of SFGC provided no further benefits in terms of hematologic response or RBC transfusion administration.
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