The concept of muscular effort as it relates to the biomechanics and motor control of human movement is not clearly denned. Recently, Rosenbaum and Gregory (2002) developed a method for relating judgments of muscular effort to kinematic and kinetic variables during dynamic movements of varying speeds. However, no attempts have been made to evaluate the effects of load on muscular effort. PURPOSE: To examine the effects of load on the biomechanics of muscular effort during single-joint, upper-extremity movements. METHODS: Thirty healthy adults participated in this experiment. All participants were asked to perform cyclic elbow flexion/extension movements in the horizontal plane using their dominant arm with four different loads (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 kg) while moving at a frequency of 1.5 Hz. The participants were required to produce angular displacements that corresponded to effort levels of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 on a modified Borg CR-10 scale. The 20 conditions (five effort levels x four loads) were tested in random order. Angular position of the elbow joint was measured using a motion capture system; mean angular displacement (MAD), peak angular velocity (PAV), peak angular acceleration (PAA), and resultant joint torque (RJT) for each condition were calculated from the angular position-time series and anthropometric data. A two-way analysis of variance was used to assess the effects of effort and load on MAD, PAV, PAA, and RJT. RESULTS: As the effort level increased from 1–9 across the four load conditions, there were significant increases in MAD (from 9.0±2.7–75.1±2.8°;P<0.001), PAV (from 42.8±13.4–344.4±14.0°/s;P<0.001), PAA (from 430.9±147.2–3832.3±153.3°/s2;P<0.001), and RJT (from 9.3±3. 1–82.4±3.2 N-m; P<0.001). In addition, as the load increased from 0–1.5 kg across the five effort level conditions, there were significant decreases in MAD (from 46.6±2.4–35.4±2.4°;P<0.01), PAV (from 215.7±12.0–162.2±12.2°/s;P<0.01), and PAA (from 2395.0±131.7–1752.8±133.9°/s2; P<0.005); however, there was a significant increase in RJT (from 31.6±2.8–54.5±28.3 N-m;/K0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The method developed by Rosenbaum and Gregory (2002) and validated by Gregory (2004) appears to be suitable for evaluating the effects of load on muscular effort during single-joint, upper-extremity movements. This method may be useful for both clinical and basic research attempting to examine the biomechanics of muscular effort. In addition, this study supports the assumption that sense of effort is most directly related to joint torque (Andrews, 1981). This investigation was supported by the University of Kansas General Research Fund allocation #2301758.
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