This article summarizes empirical and theoretical research focusing on the structure and content of the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists (Canadian Psychological Association [CPA], 1986, 1991, 2000). Functional grammar and content analyses show that, compared to other codes, the CPA code is written in a way that is empowering for the decision-maker. Moreover, it is more likely than other codes of ethics to provide a rationale for ethical behaviour. Preliminary support for the hierarchical organisation of the ethical principles of the CPA code exists but more research is needed to determine if the hierarchy leads to more consistent decision-making in the resolution of ethical dilemmas. Recommendations for future research directions are outlined. Keywords: CPA code, ethical principles, ethics, Canadian Psychological Association Resume Cet article resume les recherches empiriques et theoriques portant sur la structure et la teneur du Code canathen de deontologie professionnelle des psychologues (Societe canathenne de psychologie [SCP], 1986, 1991, 2000). Des analyses de grammaire fonctionnelle et du contenu revelent que, en comparaison d'autres codes de deontologie, celui de la SCP est redige de facon a habiliter le decideur. En outre, plus que d'autres codes, il est susceptible de fournir un fondement au comportement ethique. Il existe deja un appui a l'organisation hierarchisee des principes de deontologie du Code de la SCP, mais il faudra d'autres etudes pour determiner si une telle hierarchisation mene a une plus grande uniformite dans les decisions relatives a la solution de dilemmes ethiques. Sont mises de l'avant des recommandations quant a l'orientation de futures etudes. Mots-cles : code de la SCP, principes de deontologie, ethique, Societe canathenne de psychologie. Although the development of the original version of the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists (CCEP, CPA, 1986; 1991; 2000) was based, to a considerable extent, on empirically derived information (Sinclair, Poizner, Gilmour-Barrett, & Randall, 1987), research on the code itself has been relative sparse. The goal of this article is to review the research that has been conducted on the various versions of the CCEP, to generate recommendations about the way in which research findings could inform future revisions of the code and to point toward unanswered questions that could be empirically investigated. The Original Empirical Basis of the CCEP As Sinclair et al. (1987) pointed out, the CCEP was originally designed to reflect the collective wisdom of Canadian psychologists. As such, original development work commenced with the creation of 37 vignettes representing hypothetical ethical dilemmas. The dilemmas were based on issues stressed in the code of ethics of the American Psychological Association (APA, 1977). Moreover, these dilemmas were designed to reflect pertinent issues in psychological practice, situations involving conflict between ethical principles as well as innovative but untested approaches. Psychologists with expertise in research and teaching assisted with the development of vignettes relating to areas outside professional practice (C. Sinclair, personal communication, June 23, 1998). Each vignette was followed by six questions that were designed to elicit self-accepted ethical principles (e.g., is your choice of action? Why? What would be the minimal circumstance you can conceive in this situation that would lead to a different choice of action? What would that action be? Why?). Invitations to participate were extended to 400 psychologists. While most of them were selected at random, a significant portion was invited because they were known to have a special interest in ethics (C. Sinclair, personal communication, June 23, 1998). Of those who were invited, 125 agreed to participate and were each sent two or four hypothetical dilemmas. In all, 59 responses were received. …