Changes in the land use of urban catchments and the discharge of stormwater to rivers are causing surface water pollution. Measurements were taken of the quality of discharged stormwater from two areas with different types of development: a residential area and a residential-commercial area, as well as the quality of the Sudół River water below the sewer outlets. The following indicators were studied: TSS, COD, N-NO3, N-NO2, TKN, TN, TP, Zn, Cu, Hg, HOI, and PAHs. The influence of land use on the magnitudes of flows in the river was modeled using the SCS-CN method and the Snyder Unit Hydrograph Model. The results showed an increase in sealing and a resulting increase in surface runoff. Concentrations of pollutants in stormwater and analysis of the potential amounts of loadings contributed by the analyzed stormwater outlets indicate that they may be responsible for the failure to meet environmental targets in the Sudół River. Environmental risk assessment shows that the aquatic ecosystem is at risk. A risk factor indicating a high risk of adverse environmental effects was determined for N-NO3, Zn, and Cu, among others.
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