Social preferences for uses of water invariably change with time, and the purposes and priorities for which existing reservoirs are operated may likewise change. Moreover, because new reservoir construction in the United States has not kept pace with growing demands on water and storage, the need for improved operational efficiency has never been greater. Operational models have a long history of success both in planning and real-time decision support applications, disclosing opportunities for conjunctive use of reservoirs and efficient allocations of water and storage. Since the late 1950s, for example, the Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation SSARR model has provided invaluable decision support for planning and real-time control of the Columbia River Basin. For nearly three decades the Corps of Engineers HEC-5 model was the most widely applied in the world for all-purpose reservoir system operational planning, its success spawning a new generation of integrated tools designed for shared-vision applications. Occasionally, performance and efficiency gains promised by models used for operational planning may fail to materialize in practice, with consequences ranging from missed opportunities for water management policy consensus to public water supplies placed at risk, as happened in Atlanta in 2007. Models are here to stay, but their practical utility is best assured by appreciation of their intrinsic limitations, care in preparation of their input data, and circumspection in interpretation of their results. The proposition that all models at some level simplify reality predates computer models, a by-product of the fall of mathematical formalism beginning in 1931 with Czech logician Kurt Godel’s incompleteness theorems. To paraphrase the eminent statistician George Box, “Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful.” For models to be useful, however, users must understand their limitations and temper expectations accordingly—take them with a grain of salt, so to speak. This can present a challenge with complex models of complex systems. Numerical models of complex physical phenomena, such as flow of water or forces on structures, approximate solutions to differential equations for which no analytical solutions presently exist. Unknown, unmeasured, and uncertain quantities are often lumped into empirical coefficients, which may be adjusted to ensure the solution is “conservative” relative to its intended use or to provide an added margin of safety in design. For models that simulate interdependent hydraulic, hydrologic, and human decision-making aspects of reservoir operation, however, conservatism may be a slippery concept to define, and instances of clearcut operational “failure” too infrequent for reliable estimation of appropriate factors of safety. It is easy to imagine, for example, why sound flood management practice, seeking to minimize water in storage for protection against future floods, would not be conservative when applied to drought management strategies seeking to maximize water in storage to augment reliable water supply. Continuity is normally the most easily satisfied requirement of reservoir system models. Even so, seepage, leakage, inaccurate reservoir outlet works and river rating curves, evapotranspiration, and unaccounted water diversions and returns can introduce significant errors to hydrologic time-series inputs to reservoir models. Analysis of model sensitivity to these uncertainties may be complicated by extraneous factors, and the potential for bias depends upon how errors accumulate in simulated utilization of system storage. Operational models are also called upon to replicate patterns and timing of reservoir release decisions realistically enough for design, operational planning, and/or real-time water control decision support. This is a much more difficult proposition than mere mass balance, given that reservoir operators unlike models know that they do not have perfect information and consequently temper release decisions using estimates, forecasts, hedging, and plain intuition. In economics, imperfect information and uncertainty increase transaction costs and thus tend to prevent optimal outcomes Williamson 2006; the same applies to reservoir operation. Operational models simulate “perfect” rule-compliant releases given well-defined rules and accurate information on the current state of the system. Models may even accommodate uncertainty with probabilistic inputs, but bias is another matter. Sequential simulation may fail to disclose, for example, the range of possible outcomes when hydroclimatic trends and variability are not adequately represented in time-series inputs. Climate change considerations aside, periods of record of historical system inflows may not be sufficient to capture hydrologic extremes high and low flows of long-run cycles, a phenomenon known as trenddependent autocorrelation. In such cases, models may understate conservation or flood storage required to reliably meet operational objectives. Inadequate period of hydrologic record was identified as a contributing factor in contemporary findings of overallocated
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