Abstract Damaged road access, absence of markets in some villages, and lack of access to technology are challenges for forest communities in the Cenrana District. Optimising service centres in social forestry (SF) locations can support social forestry activities. Based on scalogram and gravity analysis, the structure of social forestry areas in the Cenrana Sub-district shows Limampoccoe Village as the sub-district level service centre, providing warehousing, commodity distribution, quality control, and packaging and branding services. Labuaja Sub-Village (Laiya Village), Malaka Sub-Village (Cenrana Baru Village), Bululohe Sub-Village (Rompegading Village), and Nahung Sub-Village (Labuaja Village) serve as commodity auction market locations, local trials, counselling, honey cultivation facilities, and processing technology for derivative products such as aren palm, candlenut, porang, and coffee. Road infrastructure and tourist attraction signposts are in Malaka Hamlet (Cenrana Baru Village). Conflicts in Labuaja Village require conflict resolution in social forestry management.