ABSTRACT The West Whitecourt Plant uses 12,500 Bhp for the compression of sournatural gases containing 25 to 50 percent H,S. Compression ratios range from 2.4 to 4.6, suction pressures from 400 to 1,800 psig, and discharge pressuresfrom 1,800 to 4,000 psig. This sour gas has been successfully handled for thepast five years. Numerous problems related to valves, piston rings, rodpacking, piston rods, cylinders and the selection of lubricants have beenencountered and solved. The solutions to these problems were dependent upongood material selection in the case of packing and rings, and special metallurgical requirements for pistons, piston rods and valves. Special operating techniques and good preventive maintenance practices, incorporating proper material selection, lubrication and metallurgical requirements, haveresulted in a high degree of compressor dependability. INTRODUCTION THE WEST WHITECOURT PLANT COMPRESSOR STATION is located in the Windfall gasfield, 26 miles west of the town of Whitecourt, Alberta. The compressor stationand gas processing plant are operated by Pan American Petroleum Corporation onbehalf of itself, Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas Company Limited and Canadian Fina Oil Limited. The compressor plant is primarily employed to inject sour gas fromthe Pine TO AMINE UNIT SALES Creek and Beaver Creek gas fields into the Windfall reservoir for cycling and pressure maintenance. De- hydrated gas from the Pine Creek and the Beaver Creek fields., located 25 miles southeast of the West Whitecourt plant, is transported through a 14-in., 25-mile pipeline. Injection commenced in April, 1962, and will continue until approximately 1975. The compressors will then be utilized as boosters during blowdown of the Windfall reservoir.