Abstract This article investigates a flexible photovoltaic bracket’s response to wind vibration. A finite element model is established using SAP2000 software for time course analysis. Representative units and nodes were selected to analyze internal force response, displacement response, and acceleration response. The prestress and span change rule of the flexible photovoltaic bracket are also explored, and quantitative research is conducted on the size of prestress and span size. The magnitude of the prestress affects a structure’s responsiveness to wind vibration. As prestress grows, so do deflection and acceleration, and the rate at which axial force is increasing also increases. Conversely, when prestress increases, the rate of deflection reduction falls. Consequently, considering the prestress size, it is advised that 50-kN prestressing be used for the support and wind cables. As the span rises, so do the mid-span span and the axial force of the wind cables, while acceleration also increases. The rate of mid-span deflection increases gradually with the flexible PV mount span, but the rate of axial force increase decreases. It is recommended to limit the span to below 50 m.