Eight patients with right temporal variant FTD were prospectively recruited and underwent a standardised neuropsychological assessment, clinical MRI, and quantitative neuroimaging. Our voxelwise grey analyses captured bilateral anterior and mesial temporal grey matter atrophy with a clear right-sided predominance. Bilateral hippocampal involvement was also observed, as well as disease burden in the right insular and opercula regions. White matter integrity alterations were also bilateral in anterior temporal and sub-insular regions with a clear right-hemispheric predominance. Extra-temporal white matter alterations have also been observed in orbitofrontal and parietal regions. Significant bilateral but right-predominant thalamus, putamen, hippocampus, and amygdala atrophy was identified based on subcortical segmentation. The clinical profile of our patients was dominated by progressive indifference, decline in motivation, loss of interest in previously cherished activities, incremental social withdrawal, difficulty recognising people, progressive language deficits, increasingly rigid routines, and repetitive behaviours. Right temporal variant FTD has an insidious onset and may be mistaken for depression at symptom onset. It manifests in a combination of apathy, language, and behavioural features. Quantitative MR imaging captures a characteristic bilateral but right-predominant temporal imaging signature with extra-temporal frontal and parietal involvement.