Two mobile agents, starting at arbitrary, possibly different times from arbitrary nodes of an unknown network, have to meet at some node. Agents move in synchronous rounds: in each round an agent can either stay at the current node or move to one of its neighbors. Agents have different labels which are positive integers. Each agent knows its own label, but not the label of the other agent. In traditional formulations of the rendezvous problem, meeting is accomplished when the agents get to the same node in the same round. We want to achieve a more demanding goal, called rendezvous with detection: agents must become aware that the meeting is accomplished, simultaneously declare this and stop. This awareness depends on how an agent can communicate to the other agent its presence at a node. We use two variations of the arguably weakest model of communication, called the beeping model, introduced in [8]. In each round an agent can either listen or beep. In the local beeping model, an agent hears a beep in a round if it listens in this round and if the other agent is at the same node and beeps. In the global beeping model, an agent hears a loud beep in a round if it listens in this round and if the other agent is at the same node and beeps, and it hears a soft beep in a round if it listens in this round and if the other agent is at some other node and beeps. We first present a deterministic algorithm of rendezvous with detection working, even for the local beeping model, in an arbitrary unknown network in time polynomial in the size of the network and in the length of the smaller label (i.e., in the logarithm of this label). However, in this algorithm, agents spend a lot of energy: the number of moves that an agent must make, is proportional to the time of rendezvous. It is thus natural to ask if bounded-energy agents, i.e., agents that can make at most c moves, for some integer c, can always achieve rendezvous with detection as well. This is impossible for some networks of unbounded size. Hence we rephrase the question: Can bounded-energy agents always achieve rendezvous with detection in bounded-size networks? We prove that the answer to this question is positive, even in the local beeping model but, perhaps surprisingly, this ability comes at a steep price of time: the meeting time of bounded-energy agents is exponentially larger than that of unrestricted agents. By contrast, we show an algorithm for rendezvous with detection in the global beeping model that works for bounded-energy agents (in bounded-size networks) as fast as for unrestricted agents.