Endoscopic techniques are important in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric airway pathology. Recent medical literature has placed an increasing emphasis on the open surgical management of pediatric airway problems including laryngotracheal reconstruction. This miniseminar is designed to provide an update regarding endoscopic managment of a variety of pediatric airway problems, and discuss the role of endoscopic versus open managment. Specific techniques for management will be discussed by each of the panelists. This will include a review of endoscopic diagnosis of airway problems. The panelsits will discuss endoscopic management of subglottic stenosis, including the role of laser ablation, powered instrumentation, balloon dilation, and stent placement, as well as the role of adjuvant medical therapy. Decision making regarding endoscopic versus open reconstruction will be presented. The endoscopic treatment of laryngeal vascular malformations, including subglottic and supraglotic lesions will be discussed. This will include the use of laser ablation as well as medical treatment. The role of powered instrumentation for papillomas, subglottic stenosis and removal of granulation tissue will be addressed. Powered instrumentation will be compared to laser and non-powered dissection. The endoscopic approach to bilateral vocal cord paralysis in children will also be reviewed. The panelists will then discuss a variety of cases of pediatric airway problems. The format will be a brief presentation by each of the panelists followed by an interactive discussion. Time for questions and comments will be allowed.