The study of the oral discursive genre has traditionally occupied a relevant place in teaching orality as a mechanistic expressive ability that does not do justice to the complexity of the real practices of oral interaction in the fields of use. Therefore, this text aims to seek new meanings of the theoretical and pedagogical understandings of oral interaction within the framework of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) and to propose didactics of the oral discursive genre for Initial Education from the reflexivity of teachers organized in mixed research communities. The methodological perspective adheres to the principles of action research, in which the production of collective knowledge is promoted. The findings suggest the symbiosis of time-space in the online classroom as a constituent scenario of the participants that configures a framework of dialogic relationships from three chronotopes: intention, meaning, and appropriation, which enable significant forms of communication where the oraldiscursive genre is considered as a way of organizing different pedagogical proposals by venturing into six itineraries of reflection in order to make it visible in the school curriculum.
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