The temperature dependence of the rheological behavior of worm-like aggregates formed in 0.3 M C 16TAB/0.05 M SXS mixtures is examined. Three distinct regions are observed for all of the rheological parameters studied (η 0, G′, G″, Δ, τ s). Region I, belo the critical micellization temperature ( T< 18°C) is characterized by highly rigid elastic coagels. In Region II (18≤ T≤40°C) Maxwell body behavior is observed, with a rapid decrease in the structural relaxation time, and a change in the phase angle from ≈ 3 to 90°. In Region III ( T40°C), the aggregates exhibit terminal region behavior, yielding viscoelastic properties only at very high oscillation frequencies. The data can be interpreted in terms of a repeating chain model for worm-like aggregates above the overlap concentration. The increase in interior fluidity of the aggregates observed by FT-IR spectroscopy (Part I) causes a continuous change in the overall flexibility and morphology of these micelles, and a consequent drop in the relaxation time with increasing temperature. The concept of temperature- and compositional-dependent flexibility for worm-like surfactant aggregates serves as a link between the viscoelastic behavior of these systems and ordinary concentrated polymer solutions, and can qualitatively explain the large variations in the relaxation time of surfactant aggregates with small changes in temperature, methylene chain length, or cationic surfactant head group size.