The class of solids considered is characterized by a linear relation between the stress-rate and strain-rate tensors. The boundary-value problem is set by prescribed surface velocities or nominal traction-rates, the existing state of stress, anisotropy, etc., being regarded as known. Changes in geometry are unrestricted. Various criteria for uniqueness of the solution ( Hill 1957 a, b, 1959) are re-derived (Sections 2 and 4), together with a useful new transformation (Section 3) and related extremum principles (Section 6). The results are specialized for a homogeneous isotropic elastic solid undergoing infinitesimal strains (Section 5), the thermodynamic restriction of positive strain energy being relaxed. For the displacement boundary-value problem Boggio's (1907) extension of the classical uniqueness theorem of Kirchhoff is recovered by an automatic process, together with related extremum principles of Gurtin and Sternberg (1960). The traction boundary-value problem is re-examined. Plane strain and generalized plane stress are also treated in detail.