The satisfaction of relational needs is an important indicator of the quality of interpersonal relationships, but few studies on this topic have been conducted in China. The Relational Needs Satisfaction Scale (RNSS) was developed and used in three countries. In this study, the scale was standardized. A total of 2136 Chinese adults aged 18-30 years were recruited to complete the RNSS-Chinese (RNSS-C) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) online, and classical test theory and item response theory (IRT) were used to analyze the psychometric characteristics of the RNSS-C. The measurement invariance of the Chinese and Czech RNSSs was analyzed. (1) The RNSS still has good reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.935) and validity (CFI=0.948, TLI=0.940, RMSEA=0.049, and SRMR=0.032) in China. (2) The RNSS-C revealed differences in the perceptions of relational needs construct between the two groups (ΔCFI=0.014>0.01). These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the cultural factors that shape interpersonal relationships and satisfaction in China.