The cardioprotective vasodilator peptide adrenomedullin 2/intermedin (AM2/IMD) and the related adrenomedullin (AM) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) signal through three heterodimeric receptors comprising the calcitonin receptor-like class B G protein-coupled receptor (CLR) and a variable receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP1, -2, or -3) that determines ligand selectivity. The CGRP receptor (RAMP1:CLR) favors CGRP binding, whereas the AM1 (RAMP2:CLR) and AM2 (RAMP3:CLR) receptors favor AM binding. How AM2/IMD binds the receptors and how RAMPs modulate its binding is unknown. Here, we show that AM2/IMD binds the three purified RAMP-CLR extracellular domain (ECD) complexes with a selectivity profile that is distinct from those of CGRP and AM. AM2/IMD bound all three ECD complexes but preferred the CGRP and AM2 receptor complexes. A 2.05 Å resolution crystal structure of an AM2/IMD antagonist fragment-bound RAMP1-CLR ECD complex revealed that AM2/IMD binds the complex through a unique triple β-turn conformation that was confirmed by peptide and receptor mutagenesis. Comparisons of the receptor-bound conformations of AM2/IMD, AM, and a high-affinity CGRP analog revealed differences that may have implications for biased signaling. Guided by the structure, enhanced-affinity AM2/IMD antagonist variants were developed, including one that discriminates the AM1 and AM2 receptors with ∼40-fold difference in affinities and one stabilized by an intramolecular disulfide bond. These results reveal differences in how the three peptides engage the receptors, inform development of AM2/IMD-based pharmacological tools and therapeutics, and provide insights into RAMP modulation of receptor pharmacology.
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