Earthquakes not only kill the human beings but the structures too. Considering this above fact, there is a necessity to take care of the beam column joint region in a structure. Under seismic excitation, the bar segment joint district is subjected to even and the vertical shear force extents are normally commonly greater than those in the adjoining bits of the structural segments. In the event that the joint is not precisely nitty gritty, the shaft segment joint may end up plainly frail. To keep this, an adequate control ought to be given in the joint area. The seismic examination and outline technique ought to be utilised as a part of the plan of the building structures and their segments ought to be recommended in the segment. The building structures incorporate finish sidelong and vertical drive opposing frameworks fit for giving satisfactory quality. Stiffness and the vitality dissemination ability to withstand the outline ground movements inside the recommended furthest reaches of twisting and quality request. The plan ground movements are accepted to happen along any even headings of a building structure. This work focuses on behaviour of M20 concrete in beam-column joint subjected to seismic loading, by using steel fibre (1.5%). The specimens detailed as per IS: 456-2000 and IS: 13920-1993 were casted and tested under cyclic and reverse cyclic loading. The parameters analysed were ductility, energy dissipation, load v/s displacement curve, beam-column reinforcement strain and crack pattern. From the experimental investigation, it is found that the fibre reinforced beam-column joint with fibre (1.50% of steel fibre) performs better ductility, load carrying capacity, energy dissipation and strength by 10% more than conventional reinforced beam-column joint.
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