The Erosion Potential Method is a model for qualifying the erosion severity and estimating the total annual sediment yield of a catchment. The method includes a diverse set of equations, which are influenced by different factors such as geology, morphology, climate and soil use. This study describes a PyQGIS YES plug-in, which allows a semiautomatized use of the Erosion Potential Method in Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. In detail, we developed a plug-in using Python programming language that is made up of a series of operations allowing one to estimate sediment production through a wizard procedure. The first stage consists of data preprocessing and involves: (i) loading of the layers (e.g., geological map); (ii) spatial selection of the catchment area; (iii) elaboration of loaded layers (e.g., clipping). During the second stage, the user assigns a relative coefficient to each factor either by selecting a preloaded value from bibliographic sources or by inserting a value inferred from field observations and data. The third stage includes the addition of rainfall and temperature values loaded as: average values, point shapefiles (the plug-in calculates the average monthly values) or tables (the plug-in creates the linear regression depending on altitude). During the final stage, the plug-in executes the equation of EPM Model obtaining the sediment yield value at basin scale. Additionally, the user can use the “squared cell” method choosing the appropriate option in the setting dialogue of the plug-in. This method divides the catchment area in a regularly-spaced grid which allows one to carry out the distribution map of the sediment production during the final stage.
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