The design of emission abatement measures to effectively reduce ozone (O3) pollution is highly complex due to non-linear chemistry, multi-source precursor emissions, and regional-scale transport. All these processes also depend on the synoptic circulation conditions. This study classified large-scale circulations to explore the synoptic controls on surface O3 pollution over eastern China (EC) during the warm seasons (May to September) from 2013 to 2022. Four prevailing circulation patterns (CPs) were identified, distinguishable by distinct differences in surface O3 anomaly distribution over the EC region. Regional meteorological variables, satellite-based precursors (NO2 and CH2O), and CH2O/NO2 ratio-based O3 formation sensitivity (OFS) were projected onto each CP to explore the underlying physiochemical mechanism of synoptic circulation modulation to surface O3 pollution. The results indicated that circulation-driven regional transport governed the spatial variability of surface O3 anomaly distribution on a synoptic timescale. Additionally, circulation-driven temperature changes caused unsynchronized changes in NO2 and CH2O across different CPs, leading to circulation-dependent OFS distribution. Geographical O3 anomaly changes generally followed the O3-NOx-VOC chemical principle in most synoptic circulation situations, thereby providing a framework for formulating spatiotemporal sensitivity-oriented mitigation strategies for forthcoming O3 pollution episodes with the assistance of synoptic circulation forecasts.
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