This study investigates the effects of a Gamified Learning Model (GLM) on the writing skills and metacognitive awareness of Thai EFL university students within a blended learning environment. Employing a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design alongside a Concurrent Embedded mixed-methods approach, the research scrutinizes the efficacy of GLM in enhancing English language writing skills and metacognitive awareness. Quantitative findings, obtained from the paired t-test, revealed significant improvements in students’ writing skills post-intervention, with average scores escalating from 11.97 to 19.92 (p<0.01), alongside a notable enhancement in metacognitive awareness, as evidenced by increased mean scores in metacognitive awareness questionnaire items. Qualitative feedback, gained from semi-structured interviews and reflective journals, further illuminated students’ positive perceptions towards the GLM, highlighting its role in fostering engagement and facilitating a deeper understanding of writing tasks and strategies. The study underscores the transformative potential of gamified learning in EFL contexts, advocating for its integration as a dynamic component of language education pedagogy. Implications for future research include exploring varied gamified learning approaches across diverse educational settings to validate and extend these findings.
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