We apply the mechanism of factorization homology to construct and compute category-valued two-dimensional topological field theories associated to braided tensor categories, generalizing the (0,1,2)-dimensional part of Crane–Yetter–Kauffman four-dimensional TFTs associated to modular categories. Starting from modules for the Drinfeld–Jimbo quantum group U q ( g ) we obtain in this way an aspect of topologically twisted four-dimensional N = 4 super Yang–Mills theory, the setting introduced by Kapustin–Witten for the geometric Langlands program. For punctured surfaces, in particular, we produce explicit categories which quantize character varieties (moduli of G-local systems) on the surface; these give uniform constructions of a variety of well-known algebras in quantum group theory. From the annulus, we recover the reflection equation algebra associated to U q ( g ) , and from the punctured torus we recover the algebra of quantum differential operators associated to U q ( g ) . From an arbitrary surface we recover Alekseev's moduli algebras. Our construction gives an intrinsically topological explanation for well-known mapping class group symmetries and braid group actions associated to these algebras, in particular the elliptic modular symmetry (difference Fourier transform) of quantum D-modules.
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