Cooking oils are used for daily cooking as well as salad dressing, in processed food, and other various uses. The physico-chemical properties of cooking oils can affect the quality of foods and hence must be evaluated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of palm-based cooking oils (refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein). The analyses were conducted on a total of 20 different brands of cooking oil packed in plastic pouches, which were randomly chosen from a local market. The physico-chemical properties of the cooking oils investigated include moisture and impurities (MI), iodine value (IV), peroxide value (PV), slip melting point (SMP), Lovibond colour, and free fatty acid (FFA). The properties were compared with known standards for refined oils such as Malaysian Standard and Codex Alimentarius Standard. Analysis showed that MI, IV, and SMP of all brands were within the requirements set by Malaysian Standard for RBD palm olein. The PV, Lovibond colour, and FFA values of several brands deviated from the Malaysian Standard. Meanwhile, the PV and FFA of all brands of the cooking oil tested were within the value designated by the Codex Standards. The physico-chemical properties of RBD palm olein cooking oils tested in this study were of acceptable and good quality and are considered suitable for consumption. The quality of cooking oil should be regularly monitored to avoid the use of adulterated oil.
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