Evidence is established for the existence of red, yellow and green oil droplets in all parts of the retina including the fovea centralis of some passerine birds ( Euplectes orix, Amadina fasciata, Uraeginthus bengalus, U. angolensis, U. cyanocephalus). The percentage of droplets of those colours were found to be equal for all individuals of one species and independent of differences in sex. For all species tested only in the red field were there small differences in the percentage of the different coloured droplets. Red and yellow drops are only found in single cones, while green drops are found in the chief cones of the double cones. The accessory elements of the double cones have no oil droplets. Investigation of the oil droplets with microspectrophotometer (Zeiss UMSP I) showed that the oil droplets are sharp cut-off filters and that from certain wavelengths on between 70 and 100 per cent of the incoming light is absorbed.
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