The article is devoted to the phenomenon of private collecting in Soviet Russia. The author proceeds from the fact that the formation of the Soviet system, which led to certain changes in the social structure of society, led to the emergence of a new Soviet elite, not alien to collecting. Restrictions of a political and ideological nature imposed on any form of commercial activity and the almost closed art market predeter-mined the uniqueness of private Soviet collecting: ways of folding collections, the possibility of their preser-vation, exchange, fate, etc. The proposed typology of collectors of the Soviet period depends on the financial possibilities, the goals of collecting art objects, the aesthetic and cultural level, as well as the socio-cultural environment where collecting was carried out. In total, six conditional types of Soviet collectors were identified, among them the scientific and creative intelligentsia, Red Army officers, veterans of the Soviet special services, the state party elite, the “former” - the remaining representatives of the nobility in the country. The historical facts testifying to the complex relationship between private collectors and the Soviet state based on the command and administrative economic system are given. Many archival materials and documents have not revealed yet, which makes it difficult to study some aspects of private collecting of the Soviet era. The study of private collections and methods of collecting is the most important material source for studying the history of the country.
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