<em> <em> Matahari Tourism Park is a place of recreation and tourism with the motto Recreation and Education Park. Meanwhile, referring to the data from the management of the Matahari Tourism Park, the number of tourist visits since the pandemic has decreased. Referring to the data in the last three years, Matahari Tourism Park has experienced a decline in tourists which has an effect on company income. This matter needs to be seen in terms of effectiveness, especially the marketing mix in the new normal era. The indicators of effectiveness include goal achievement, integration, and adaptation. Researchers want to know the effectiveness of the marketing mix at Taman Wisata Matahari in the new normal era. This research uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, literature study, and in-depth interviews with informants. The variables of this study refer to the marketing mix, namely product, price, place, and promotion. Qualitative data analysis consists of three streams of activities that occur simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. the effectiveness of the marketing mix at Taman Wisata Matahari in the new normal era, namely products in the form of water tourism rides, game rides, adventure rides, and educational rides. As for other products, namely accommodation facilities, fields, gazebos, culinary and souvenirs, as well as tour packages. Regarding the price in the form of an entrance ticket to Matahari Tourism Park, it is Rp. 60,000 for domestic and Rp. 150,000 for foreign countries. Meanwhile, place in the form of product marketing locations is focused on TWM locations. The focus of the marketing location for TWM products is in the Jabodetabek area at this time. Meanwhile, promotion is in the form of social media. Overall, all of these variables are included in the adaptation indicators</em></em>