Background: In recent years, the desire to perform septorhinoplasty has increased in different societies, which can be due to the effect of this surgery on improving people’s sense of satisfaction with their appearance, and as a result, increasing self-confidence and increasing the quality of life in these people. On the other hand, in some people, despite the successful surgery from the surgeon’s point of view, the patient may not be satisfied enough with the new appearance of his/her nose. According to the conducted studies, several factors play a role in the patient’s satisfaction after surgery. In this study, it was tried to determine the presence sense of nasal obstruction before septorhinoplasty surgery and its effect on the patients’ satisfaction after surgery through three useful questionnaires in this field [1. black colour Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE) questionnaire that evaluates both satisfaction of cosmetic outcome and functional outcome, 2. Nasal Obstruction and Septoplasty Effectiveness Scale (NOSE) and 3.Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)]. Methods: Seventy-two patients were evaluated before and 12 months after septorhinoplasty with validated ROE, NOSE and VAS questionnaires. Results: The mean age of the patients was 28.59±5.74 years, of whom 69.2% were female and 20.8% were male. The ROE score improved significantly from 10.4±3.0 to 19.8±3.7 (p-value <0.001). The overall NOSE score was significantly lower (p-value: 0.002), and history of nasal obstruction was an independent factor for a significantly better NOSE score after surgery. Conclusion: Septorhinoplasty can improve patient satisfaction with cosmetic and functional outcomes, especially in those who have more complaints about nasal obstruction before surgery.
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