With the arrival of Christianity, there was a transformation in patient care, enabling the creation of shelters and hospitals to offer assistance. This movement allowed the reception of people in vulnerable conditions, previously ignored by the health system at the time (RODRIGUES, 2018). By incorporating physiotherapy into a multidisciplinary or broad view of the association of life, quality of life and palliative care, it is possible to expand access to conservative, integrative and multidisciplinary therapeutic treatment options, less tense, aggressive, stressful and painful for those involved, accepting what the natural cycle of life really is like, where we are born, take care of each other and ourselves, and then die. This article carries out an integrative review on the role of physiotherapy in the context of palliative care with a focus on multidisciplinary and humanized assistance. Based on an analysis of studies published between 2004 and 2023, and data collection, carried out through research among patients and family members in the year 2024, the benefits of physiotherapy in relieving pain, improving quality of life and no emotional support for patients with chronic and terminal illnesses.
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