HISTORY: 20 yo women’s ice hockey athlete with hx of absence seizures presents with dizziness, SOB & palpitations with exertion. Pt developed symptoms during first practice after winter break. Initially thought she was “out of shape”. When she could not continue due to symptoms she reported to the Athletic Trainer. Irregular rhythm noted; 140-150bpm. Remainder of the evaluation by AT was normal. Pt began to feel normal after 30 minutes in supine. Prior episode of mental status changes one month prior felt to be related to seizure disorder. No hx of syncope/pre-syncope, CP. PMH: Partial complex seizures dx 2nd grade, grand mal sz 2010. ROS: (-) recent fever, chills, illness. Meds: Keppra, recently started on Lamictal, Sorynx. Allergies: Dilantin (rash). SH: student, no ETOH/drugs. FH: F-HTN, valve dz. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: WDWN; NAD; 120/60; HR 74; HEENT wnl; Thyroid nm; Cardiac- PMI nml, RRR, no M/R/G, normal HJR; Lungs clear; Abd nml; Ext nml. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Cardiac vs Neurologic vs Metabolic vs Infectious TESTS AND RESULTS: Initial: Lab- CBC, Chem panel, TFTs nml. EKG- NSR, 53bpm, nml intervals, ST-T wave abnormalities Referral to Cardiology: Echo- nml valves, chambers, EF 45%, mild global LV hypokinesis WORKING DIAGNOSIS: Cardiomyopathy- Post-infectious, arrhythmia-induced, infiltrative, anomalous coronary, vs. CAD Additional Tests: CT angio- normal coronary arteries; Ca+ score 0; LVEF 43%; no evidence of RV dysplasia ETT- Resting PVC’s which normalize with higher levels exertion; Into Stage V Bruce asymptomatic 30d Holter monitor: NSR, avg HR 58 (40-169), 5312 PVC’s (6.8 %). 12 couplets. Multiform PVS’s noted MRI: Bi-ventricular mod enlargement, ED dimension 67mm, low nml systolic fn. No regional wall motion abnormalities. LV trabeculated myocardium, ratio 3:1. No perfusion defects. No myocardial delayed enhancement. EF 58% LV, 52% RV Labs: EBV panel, Coxsackie, Lyme, CMV, TFT’s, ESR/CRP, Chem panel, CBC, Iron studies FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Non-compaction Cardiomyopathy TREATMENT AND OUTCOMES: Pt referred to heart failure specialist. Pt initially treated with Beta-blocker, and dc OCP. Did not return to competitive sport. When seen by second specialist, dc B-blocker and initiated baby ASA and ACE inhibitor. Pt has been followed by second specialist.
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