Abstract Dielectric elastomers (DEs) possess high energy density, lightweight, and low response time making them suitable material candidatures for electromechanical transducers (ET). Performance enhancement of ET necessitates escalated electrical load making prone to failure and subsequently hindering reliability and life cycle. Existing models towards failure mitigation focus on mechanical and electrical loads individually with constant relative permittivity, whereas DEs undergoes combined loading and stretch-electrostriction in real-time application. This study aims to identify safe design and operating parameters by addressing various modes of failures under combined loads and stretch-electrostriction. Under combined load, pre-strain emerges as a crucial parameter to reduce EMI, while extensive pre-strain leads to diminish thickness which in turn promotes electrical breakdown of elastomer. The optimized design for DEs exhibit substantial failure suppression at a pre-strain value of 1.7 (λpre) under maximum electrical load of 37.66 MV/m (Emax). The efficacy of optimized parameters for the failure suppression is verified through an in-house fabricated planar actuator. Operation within the identified range of parameters is observed to enhance the reliability and lifespan of DE-actuators, marking a noteworthy advancement in the field of soft robotics.