Electroencephalographic signals are obtained by amplifying and recording the brain's spontaneous biological potential using electrodes positioned on the scalp. While proven to help find changes in brain activity with a high temporal resolution, such signals are contaminated by non-stationary and frequent artefacts. A plethora of noise reduction techniques have been developed, achieving remarkable performance. However, they often require multi-channel information and additional reference signals, are not fully automated, require human intervention and are mostly offline. With the popularity of Brain-Computer Interfaces and the application of Electroencephalography in daily activities and other ecological settings, there is an increasing need for robust, online, near real-time denoising techniques, without additional reference signals, that is fully automated and does not require human supervision nor multi-channel information. This research contributes to the body of knowledge by introducing onEEGwaveLAD, a novel, fully automated, ONline, EEG wavelet-based Learning Adaptive Denoiser pipeline for artefact identification and reduction. It is a specific framework that can be instantiated for various types of artefacts paving the path towards real-time denoising. As the first of its kind, it is described and instantiated for the particular problem of blink detection and reduction, and evaluated across a general and a specific analysis of the signal to noise ratio across 30 participants.
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