Maps are involved as soon as one decides to understand spatial relationships and patterns. Most maps limit themselves to a single snapshot in time. However, the study of geographical processes cannot be successful without considering time as well, because these events only happen as time passes. When maps have to depict events, an inventive design approach is required to keep them clear and understandable. A classic example is the Minard map from 1861 showing Napoleon's ad ventures in Russia (Robinson 1967). Maps displaying events that stretch over time tend to become rather complex. The solution is to split the master map into a set of maps to be read as a comic. The maps in the set are less cluttered, but the reader needs greater skills to combine the information they provide into a event, especially when that event is a process (Kousoulakou and Kraak 1992). With advancing technology, animation seems to be the solution. To understand the process represented by animation the viewer should have interface tools available, for instance, to go back and forward, pause and stop. Without these tools the animation is even more limited then the set of maps where the reader has freedom to move from one image to another to retrieve information. Considerable (cartographic) research has been done on the application of animation to display time (DiBiase et al. 1992; Peterson 1995; Ormeling 1996; Dransch 1997). The new cartographic techniques do not stand isolated. Their development and use is an integral process of the spatial data handling process. We need an understanding of concepts and techniques to acquire the necessary data and model them, and we need powerful computer environments to structure and store the data (Snodgrass 1992; Jensen et al. 1994). We also need techniques to query and retrieve the data for further understanding and display (Kraak and MacEachren 1996) (see Figure 1). [FIGURE 1 OMITTED] Where do we stand? Despite the current advanced state of the art of geographic information systems (GIS) we still have only limited capabilities to model and manipulate temporal data, especially if we do not want to limit ourselves to the study of snapshots. Time in relation to geography has been a subject of study for some time now. In the sixties, the approach to time became more structured (Hagerstrand 1967). With respect to GIS, the serious study of time started at the beginning of the nineties with Langran's Time in Geographic Information Systems (1993). How far have we come since then? While a number of systems such as Tempest are under study (Peuquet 1994), and contrary to vendors' claims, real operational systems are still unavailable. Time is a complex topic; it is not tangible, and it is perceived and measured accordingly. One of the major problems is the understanding of its use in daily geo-life. The NCGIA's Initiative 10 on spatio-temporal reasoning in GIS and related activities in research attempted to tackle this problem, with the effort resulting in an interesting book edited by Egenhofer and Gollege (1998). However, the final words have not yet been said. This issue of Cartography and Geographical Information Science is an initiative of the International Cartographic Association's Commission on Visualization. It covers most aspects of the spatial data handling process related to time. The contributors share an interest in investigating the term but each contributor looks at movement from a different perspective. Not only do the particular phases of the spatial data handling process influence the view on movement, but so does also the background of the authors or the problems they try to solve. The different perspectives might confuse the reader because of the difference in terminology used when the focus is on pure geography or database building, or when the process of spatial data handling is described by a cartographer or a computer scientist. …
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