The issues of networked library interaction is examined and exemplified by the experience of the Pushchino Scientific Center Central Library (division of the Library for Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, LNS RAS). Ready-made software solutions designed by LNS RAS specialists enabled the participating libraries to implement computer-aided collection development system, union reference aids, online ordering, lending and refusal registration, digital resources access system. The authors focus, in particular, on specific networked interactions between the scientific library and users of its information services. Within the framework of the Library-Research Institute of Pushchino Center cooperation, the main efforts of the Library are focused on implementing modern network technologies, providing access to information resources, research information support, developing union Internet-based catalogs within the online order system, designing problem-oriented databases and maintaining current list of networked resources in physico-chemical biology. New library services are described, e.g. bibliometric and patent research, design and maintenance of the library website. Approaches to building network interaction with libraries of various types, institutions of memory (archives, museums, etc.), publishers’, and mass media, are discussed. The authors come to the conclusion that networked cooperation is efficient organizational and technological instrument to provide equal use opportunities for every member of library information network.
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