 Dovus klubu hikayesinde, tuketim kulturunun icinde hapsolmus bir karakterin, bu kulture karsi anarsi ruhlu bir karakter ile tanismasiyla baslayan degisimi anlatmaktadir. Hikayede yaraticinin gozunde modern zaman insaninin yansimasinin, uclarda bir yasam deneyimi ve yasadiklari anlatilmaktadir. Hikaye Anlatici karakterinin okuyucu ve izleyiciye aktardiklari uzerine ilerleyen bir kurguya sahiptir. Hikayede bas kahraman anlatici ve icinde bulundugu mekanlar, tuketim kulturu temeline dayali ve elestirel bakis acisi ile sunulur. Bu elestiri baslarda mensubu oldugu kulture Anlaticinin tanistigi ve bu kulture oldukca aykiri kisilige sahip Tyler Durden’dan sonra uzaklasmasi ile olmaktadir. Hikaye Anlatici uzerinden Tyler Durden oncesi ve sonrasi olarak bakis acilari degistirmektedir. Film ve kitap arasinda farkliliklar bulunsa da temelinde ayni metin ve kurguda islenmekte, Film yazar tarafindan film hikayenin gelistirilmis bir versiyonu olarak yorumlanmistir. Bu anlamda iki ayri uretimin ortak bir butun olarak bakilmasi ve calisma da kitap ve film ortak birer okuma araci olarak kullanilacaktir. Bu calismada kitap ya da film okuma analizi, film kitap arasi karsilastirma gibi olmanin otesinde, mekanlar ve mekanlari okumak uzerine bir calismadir. Calimanin butununde hem kitap, hem de filmde gecen ortak yada farkli mekanlar bir arada ele alınacaktır. Bu anlamda 2 ayri sanat dalinda; edebiyat ve sinema uzerinden; butunlesik bir analiz yapilacaktir. Bu ele alista Mekanlar ve anlatici karakterinin mekanlar ile iliskileri hedefli bir okuma yapilmasi amaclanmaktadir.
 Anahatar Kelimeler: Chuck Palahniuk, Dovus Klubu, sinema, Edebiyat, Tasarim, Tuketim kulturu, Modernizm, Mekan.
 In design readings, the relationship between place and the user of place is quite strong. Feelings that the user has against the place are considered as subheading not only in philosophy of place but also in other philosophies. It is much more powerful to establish this relationship especially on the basis of material-based philosophies, such as consumption culture. Fight Club was written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996, and was filmed by David Fincher in 1999. The fact that the fighting club has two different interpretations creates a coherence produced in two different branches of art, supported by the author as opposed to creating a situation of inconsistencies and negativity between them. The story of Fight Club tells of the change of a character trapped in the consumption culture that began when he was introduced to a character with an anarchy spirit against this culture. In this story, the main character narrator and its places are presented with a critical point of view based on consumer culture. The Fight Club book and film tell the story of modern times man’s reflection, life experiences at the end and lives trapped within the culture of consumption in the eye of the creator of the story. The story is based on what the narrator character conveys to the reader and the viewer. In the story, the main character narrator and the places are presented with a critical point of view and based on consumer culture. This criticism is done while the narrator goes away from the culture which he is a member of after meeting Tyler Durden, who is quite contrary to this culture. The story changes through the narrator, with the perspective of before and after Tyler Durden. Although there are differences between the film and the book, both are based on the same text and fiction and the film was interpreted by the author as an improved version of the story. In this sense, two separate productions will be considered as a whole and the book and the film will be used as a common reading tool in this study. This is not a study on reading analysis of a book or a film or comparison between a film and a book, but a study on reading places and spaces. In the whole study, both common and different places in the book and the film will be discussed together. In this sense, in two different art branches; through literature and cinema; an integrated analysis will be conducted. With this approach, it is aimed to make a targeted reading of the places and the relationships. The aim of this study is to make a reading of the relationships of the Narrative character with places.
 Keywords: Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, cinema, literature, design, consumer culture, modernism, place
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