The analysis of a Station blackout (SBO) accident in the NPP Krško including thermalhydraulic behaviour of the primary system and the containment, as well as the simulation of the core degradation process, release of molten materials and production of hydrogen and other incondensable gases will be presented in the paper. The calculation model includes the latest plant safety upgrade with addition of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PAR) and the Passive Containment Filter Venting (PCFV) system. The code used is MELCOR, version 1.8.6. MELCOR is an integral severe accident code which means that it can simulate both the primary reactor system, including the core, and the containment. The code is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The analysis is conducted in two steps. First, the steady state calculation is performed in order to confirm the applicability of the plant model and to obtain correct initial conditions for the accident analysis. The second step is the calculation of the SBO accident with the leakage of the coolant through the damaged reactor coolant pump seals. Without any active safety systems, the reactor pressure vessel will fail after few hours. The mass and energy releases from the primary system cause the containment pressurization and rise of the temperature. The newly added safety systems, PAR and PCFV, prevent the damage of the containment building by keeping the thermalhydraulic conditions below the design limits. The analysis results confirm the capability of the safety systems to effectively control the containment conditions. Results of the analysis are given with respect to the results of the MAAP 4.0.7 analysis for the same accident scenario. The MAAP and MELCOR codes are the most popular severe accident codes and, therefore, it is reasonable to compare their results. In addition, sensitivity calculations performed by varying most influential parameters, such as the hot leg creep failure, blockage of a pipe connecting the cavity and the sump, inclusion of a radionuclide package in the MELCOR, etc. are done in order to demonstrate correct physical behaviour and the accuracy of the developed NPP Krško MELCOR model.
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