Dispersion relations applied to pion reactions have explained the value of alpha /sub 1/-- alpha /sub 3/ ( alpha /sub 1/, alpha /sub 3/ = s-wave pha se shifts for isotopic spin states I = 1/2, 3/2), but the separate value of alpha / sub 1/ or alpha /sub 3/ has not yet been explained. This is done by setting G/ sub r/(O, mu , M, f/sup 2/) = G/sub r/(O,O, M, f/sup 2/), where G/sub r/(k, m, M, f/sup 2/) is the physical equivalent of G(k, mu , M, f/sup 2/) in the dispersion relation for pi -p forward scattering amplitudes, 1/2STAD/sub -/( omega ) + D/sub +/( omega )!. The results, used in combination with the value of 0.27 for alpha /sub 1/-- alpha /sub 3/, give alpha /sub 1/ = 0.16 and alpha / sub 3/ = --0.11, in good agreement with experimental data analysis for low-energy pion scattering. (D.L.C.)