The lithium (Li) metal anode promises significantly higher capacity than graphite and is central to strategies to develop advanced Li-ion batteries with improved energy, lifetime and performance. Yet, the Coulombic efficiency (CE) of Li anodes in liquid electrolytes still falls well below the >99.9% targeted for electric vehicles. Efficiency and capacity loss arise from uncontrolled reactivity at the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) and its resulting physicochemical, ionic and electronic properties, which couple to inhomogeneous plating/stripping, SEI breakage, electrolyte infiltration and additional consumption, and ultimately to loss of active Li inventory as stranded Li0 or SEI Li+. Despite empirical insights into electrolyte design guidelines, quantitative understanding of SEI functionality is underdeveloped, hindering attempts to control and improve its properties through tailoring of its materials chemistry.This talk will discuss ongoing efforts to improve understanding of phase-specific functionality in the SEI, with an objective of identifying compositional design principles to minimize active Li inventory loss. We developed approaches to isolate and synthesize SEI-relevant ionic and organic phases, including lithium fluoride (LiF)1, lithium oxide (Li2O),2and recently lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), at representative nanometer-scale thicknesses directly on Li metal. These interfaces are interrogated via targeted electrochemical techniques to reveal their Li+ conductivity, providing a framework to assess which phases bolster, or hinder, ion transport in the SEI. Here we examine in detail the role of Li2CO3, a pervasive yet metastable SEI component that has long been asserted to improve CE in conventional carbonate electrolytes.3-5 By synthesizing model Li2CO3 interphases, we measure the ionic conductivity, probe reaction pathways in contact with specific electrolyte constituents, and interpret its properties against other key ionic SEI phases. We further examine the role of carbonate on the native SEI through re-examination of CO2 gas as a cell additive in a wider range of electrolytes—including modern formulations like ethers and localized high-concentration electrolytes (LHCEs)—than those studied previously. In combination with titration methods,6,7 we finally reveal how Li2CO3 relates to capacity loss at the anode and conditions in which enhancing Li2CO3 translates into improved CE. He, R. Guo, G. Hobold, H. Gao and B.M. Gallant, PNAS 2020, 117, 73-79.Guo and B.M. Gallant, Chemistry of Materials 2020, 32, 13, 5525-5533.Plichta, S. Slane, M. Uchiyama, M. Salomon, D. Chua, W. B. Ebner and H. W. Lin, J. Electrochem. Soc. 1989, 136, 1865. Aurbach, Y. Gofer, M. Ben-Zion and P. Aped, J. Electroanal. Chem 1992, 339, 451. D. Aurbach, I. Weissman, A. Zaban and O. Chusid, Electrochimica Acta 1994, 39, 51.Fang, J. Li, M. Zhang et al., Nature 2019,572, 511–515.M. Hobold and B. M. Gallant, ACS Energy Letters 2022, 7, 3458-3466.
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