Trace element geochemistry was studied in geothermal fluids in Iceland. The major and trace element compositions of hot springs, sub-boiling, and two-phase (liquid and vapor) wells from 10 geothermal areas were used to reconstruct the fluid composition in the aquifers at depth. Aquifer fluid temperatures ranged from 4 to 300°C, pH values between 4.5 and 9.3, and fluids typically contained total dissolved solids <1000ppm, except in geothermal areas that have seawater and seawater-meteoric water mixtures. Trace alkali elements Li, Rb and Cs are among the most mobile elements in aquifer fluids, with concentrations in the range of <1ppb to 3.49ppm Li, <0.01 to 57ppb Cs, and <1ppb to 3.77ppm Rb. Their chemistry is thought to be dominated by rock leaching and partitioning into Na- and K-containing major alteration minerals. Arsenic, Sb, Mo and W are typically present in concentrations in the range of 1–100ppb. They are relatively mobile, yet Mo may be limited by molybdenite solubility. The alkaline earth elements Ba and Sr are quite immobile with concentrations in the range of <0.1–10ppb Ba and <1–100ppb Sr in the dilute fluids, but up to 5.9ppm Ba and 8.2ppm Sr in saline fluids. These elements show a systematic relationship with Ca, possibly due to substitution for Ca in Ca-containing major alteration minerals like calcite, epidote and anhydrite. Incorporation into major Ca-minerals may also be important for Mn. Many metals including Fe, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Pb and Ag have low mobility and concentrations, typically <1ppb for Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb, <10ppb for Zn and<100ppb for Fe, although for some metals higher concentrations are associated with saline fluids. Based on the metals assessed, saturation is approached with respect to many sulfide minerals and in some cases oxide minerals but Cu, Ni and Pb minerals are slightly but systematically undersaturated, and Ag phases significantly undersaturated. Evaluation of mineral-fluid equilibria for these metals is problematic due to their low concentrations, problems associated with assessing the aqueous species distribution by thermodynamic calculations, and uncertainties concerning the exact minerals possibly involved in such reactions. Reaction path calculations, poor comparison of concentrations measured in the samples collected at the wellhead and published downhole data as well as boiling, cooling and mass precipitation calculations suggest removal of many metals due to changes upon depressurization boiling and conductive cooling of the aquifer fluids as they ascend in wells. These results imply that processes such as mass precipitation upon fluid ascent may be highly important and emphasize the importance of considering mass movement in geothermal systems.
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