在Web应用环境中,可以通过RDF(S)形式描述企业领域内分布信息资源的语义,以提高信息查询的准确性.提出了描述分布异构RDF(S)的分布RDF(S)模型,并基于这一模型给出了实现分布RDF(S)查询的方法,此查询方法既能实现实例层次的查询,也能实现概念层次的查询.基于这一方法,用户能够以统一的形式来查询,获取相关的信息资源,同时还可以实现分布RDF(S)的集成.;In the cases of Web applications, RDF(S) can be used to semantically describe the distributed information sources in enterprises to make the information retrieval more accurate. In this paper, a distributed RDF(S) model is presented to describe distributed and heterogeneous RDF(S)s. Based on this model, a method to query distributed RDF(S) descriptions is also presented, which can retrieve data of concepts as well as that of instances. By this method, users can retrieve RDF(S) descriptions and the information they describe in the same way and implement distributed RDF(S)s' integration.