Three trilateration and leveling networks traversing the Longitudinal Valley, eastern Taiwan have been surveyed frequently during 1983–1988. Average rates of length change on each line and height difference on each leveling section are used to study the crustal deformation of this area. We model the aseismic deformation near the fault as the sum of a steady rigid block motion and the effect of an upper locked crust due to frictional resistance. The effect of the locked part is equivalent to that of a negative dislocation on the fault. For the northernmost Hualien and central Yuli networks, we simply assume two blocks and one fault patch, while the southernmost Taitung network is modeled by three blocks and three fault patches. The fault aforementioned is presumed to be the main trace of the Longitudinal Valley fault (LVF). We invert the geodetic data to determine the block motion and dislocation model parameters by utilizing a Bayesian nonlinear inversion method. Parameters to be estimated include the three components of velocity for each block and the vertical and horizontal dislocation rates, dip angle, and width of each rectangular fault patch. The estimated block motion parameters and fault widths are mostly well resolved by the observed data. The fault widths are all very shallow (< 3 km). This implies the Longitudinal Valley fault is weakly locked. The blocks on both sides of the fault may be essentially sliding freely. The Pinanshan Conglomerate seems to be situated in an isolated block which moves at a velocity of 26 mm/yr in the direction N109°W relative to the Central Range. The net horizontal motion across the Longitudinal Valley changes from 34 mm/yr in N46°W at Taitung network to 25 mm/yr in N-S direction at Hualien network with intermediate value of 33 mm/yr in N27°W at Yuli network. It indicates that due to resistance of the Central Range the northwestward moving direction of the Coastal Range systematically changes to northward moving. About half the rate of plate motion in this area estimated by Seno ( Tectonophysics, Vol. 42) is concentrated on a quite narrow zone several kilometers wide centered at the LVF. However, due to the limited aperture of our geodetic networks, the total width of the deformation zone and the velocity of relative plate motion at this active collision boundary are not resolved. The new GPS satellite survey technique can be used to solve this ambiguity.
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