The polar wind is an ambipolar outflow of thermal plasma from the high-latitude ionosphere to the magnetosphere, and it primarily consists of H +, He + and O + ions and electrons. Statistical and episodic studies based primarily on ion composition observations on the ISIS-2, DE-1, Akebono and Polar satellites over the past four decades have confirmed the existence of the polar wind. These observations spanned the altitude range from 1000 to ∼50,500 km, and revealed several important features in the polar wind that are unexpected from “classical” polar wind theories. These include the day–night asymmetry in polar wind velocity, which is 1.5–2.0 times larger on the dayside; appreciable O + flow at high altitudes, where the velocity at 5000–10,000 km is of 1–4 km/s; and significant electron temperature anisotropy in the sunlit polar wind, in which the upward-to-downward electron temperature ratio is 1.5–2. These features are attributable to a number of “non-classical” polar wind ion acceleration mechanisms resulting from strong ionospheric convection, enhanced electron and ion temperatures, and escaping atmospheric photoelectrons. The observed polar wind has an averaged ion temperature of ∼0.2–0.3 eV, and a rate of ion velocity increase with altitude that correlates strongly with electron temperature and is greatest at low altitudes (<4000 km for H +). The rate of velocity increase below 4000 km is larger at solar minimum than at solar maximum. Above 4000 km, the reverse is the case. This suggests that the dominant polar wind ion acceleration process may be different at low and high altitudes, respectively. At a given altitude, the polar wind velocity is highly variable, and is on average largest for H + and smallest for O +. Near solar maximum, H +, He +, and O + ions typically reach a velocity of 1 km/s near 2000, 3000, and 6000 km, respectively, and velocities of 12, 7, and 4 km/s, respectively, at 10,000 km altitude. Near solar minimum, the velocity of all three species is smaller at high altitudes. Observationally it is not always possible to unambiguously separate an energized “non-polar-wind” ion such as a low-energy “cleft ion fountain” ion that has convected into a polar wind flux tube from an energized “polar-wind” ion that is accelerated locally by “non-classical” polar-wind ion acceleration mechanisms. Significant questions remain on the relative contribution between the cleft ion fountain, auroral bulk upflow, and the topside polar-cap ionosphere to the O + polar wind population at high altitudes, the effect of positive spacecraft charging on the lowest-energy component of the H + polar wind population, and the relative importance of the various classical and non-classical ion acceleration mechanisms. These questions pose several challenges in future polar wind observations: These include measurement of the lowest-energy component in the presence of positive spacecraft potential, definitive determination and if possible active control of the spacecraft potential, definitive discrimination between polar wind and other inter-mixed thermal ion populations, measurement of the three-dimensional ion drift velocity vector and the parallel and perpendicular ion temperatures or the detailed three-dimensional velocity distribution function, and resolution of He + and other minor ion species in the polar wind population.
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