Generation and accumulation of hydrogen in containment atmosphere could pose a potential threat to the integrity of containment as hydrogen can form flammable mixture with air in the containment during postulated severe accident scenario involving multiple failures. Studies on hydrogen generation and distribution for various accident scenarios in reactor containment of Indian pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) indicate that during severe accident with core damage, the possibility of global deflagration in absence of mitigating features is high and may challenge the integrity of containment. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate mitigating provisions inside the containment to prevent the hydrogen reaching deflagration/ detonation limits during such a scenario.Out of several options available for hydrogen mitigation, Passive Auto-catalytic Recombiner (PAR) is one of the most effective and recommended (IAEA -TECDOC-1661(2011)) technology for the removal of hydrogen inside the containment. The testing and evaluation of the performance of PAR for different conditions envisaged in the containment (such as pressure, temperature, steam concentration and poison) is a vital requirement for the deployment of these devices in the nuclear power plants (NPPs). The behavior of catalytic recombiners in terms of hydrogen removal rate with varying hydrogen concentrations is required to be evaluated essentially to work out the numbers and location of recombiners inside the containment. Hence, for testing of catalytic recombiners, an instrumented test facility simulating different reactor containment environment under controlled conditions, has been commissioned. Recombiner Test Facility (RTF) is a test rig for testing of full scale prototypes of catalytic recombiners.Results of Hydrogen Removal Rates (HRR) for varying hydrogen concentration, method for the calculation of HRR and its validation, model equation developed for Corrected Hydrogen Removal Rates (CHRR) usable in numerical simulations are presented in this article. With the proposed method for CHRR, it was established that the Recombiner performance can be evaluated.
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