G A A b st ra ct s by Bonferroni test for multiple comparisons. Results: TGR5 transcripts were detected in both pC and dC, with a significantly higher level in dC compared to pC (75.9±4.3 vs 59.1±3.6 % of ARP, p,0.05). TGR5 immunoreactivity was located in cells of the epithelia and crypts and in submucosal and myenteric neurons, with 85.7% or 33.9% in pC and 99.3% or 31.7% in dC of pChAT immunoreactive neurons being TGR5 positive. On the serosal side, the INT-777 (10 μM) decreased significantly Isc at 25 min (-26.8% of baseline Isc, P,0.05) with a peak change at 35 min (-33.9%, P,0.001). The response had a shorter onset (10 min) and increased magnitude at higher concentrations (-47,8% at 60 μM and -51,1% at 100 μM, p,0.0001). UDCA at 60 μM induced a 35% decrease of baseline Isc (p,0.01) at 35 min. INT-777 (60 or 100 μM) increased significantly the tissue resistance by 26.0% and 28.3% compared to vehicle (p,0.05), whereas UDCA had no effect. The vehicle injection did not modify baseline Isc or resistance. INT-777 had no effect when added on the mucosal side at any concentration. Conclusion: These data indicate that the selective TGR5 agonist INT-777 applied to the serosa, unlike the mucosa, side increased ion efflux and decreased permeability in the rat distal colon. That may be mediated through TGR5, which is highly expressed on pChAT submucosal neurons