The substitution of rare-earth ions into insulating host crystalsintroduces lattice strains and, for non-trivalent sites, a need forcharge compensation. Such effects alter the site symmetry and thisis reflected in properties such as the wavelength,linewidth, lifetime and relative intensity of the rare-earthtransitions. Equally clear, but less well documented, is theinfluence on second-harmonic generation (even from cubic crystallattices). For example, in bismuth germanate, second-harmonicgeneration efficiency varies by factors of more than 100 as a resultof different rare-earth dopant ions. The ions are variouslyincorporated as substitutional ions, pairs, clusters, or even asprecipitates of new phases, but the detailed modelling is oftenspeculative. This article summarizes some recent studies whichexplore the role of rare-earth ions in thermoluminescence and second-harmonic generation. There are numerous differences in glow peaktemperature, for nominally the same defect sites, which are thoughtto indicate charge trapping and recombination within coupled defectsites, or within a large complex. Size and cluster effects can bemodified by heat treatments. This review considers the similarityand trends seen between numerous host lattices which are doped withrare-earth ions. For thermoluminescence there are trends in thevariation in glow peak temperature with ion size, with movements of20 to 50 K. Examples are seen in many hosts with extremeeffects being suggested for zircon, with peak shifts of 200 K(probably from precipitate phases).