Honey authenticity is critical to honey quality. The development of a quick, easy, and non-destructive technique for determining the authenticity of honey encourages an improvement in honey quality. Here, the authenticity of monofloral honey—rape honey was determined using fluorescence spectroscopy combined with multilayer perceptron (MLP) deep learning, without the need for any prior feature extraction or pre-processing. A total of 91 raw fluorescence intensity data of the real and adulterated honey samples at a fixed excitation wavelength of 280 nm were first matrixed, and all data were then categorized into a training set, a validation set, and a test set with numbers of 64, 16, and 11, respectively. The connection with dropout was selected to build and link the MLP internal network. The activation function, learning rate, optimizer, and number of epochs were among the hyperparameters of the MLP neural network that were tuned. A good MLP deep learning network model for determining the authenticity of monofloral honey, rape honey, was developed after constant validation and debugging. According to the accuracy curve of the MLP model, the accuracy of the training set increased with the number of epochs and eventually converged to 100 %, while the accuracy of the validation set could be well stabilized at about 100 % after 5000 epochs. Finally, the accuracy of the MLP model on the test set was close to 100 %. According to our findings, the MLP neural network and fluorescence intensity have great potential applications in identifying the authenticity of honey.
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